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Peak Deconvolution

Content Developed by Dr Dominik Konkolewicz, Nethmi De Alwis and Kevin Burridge

This spreadsheet and the associated read-me file can be used to deconvolute complex curves such as size exclusion chromatography (SEC) data or spectroscopic data where there are multiple curves overlapping. For best results data sets with clear shoulders or mutlimodal peaks should be used, although even more challenging data sets can be deconvoluted. Up to 3 peaks can be deconvoluted, with the spreadsheet set up to evaluate the number and weight averaged molecular weight and relative fraction of each peak.

Screenshot 2024-07-10 103520.png

All that is needed to use this deconvolution spreadsheet is Microsoft Excel. For optimization of the fit, the Solver add-on is required.

SEC Peak Deconvoluter Template Retention Time

SEC Peak Deconvoluter Template Molecular Weight

ReadMe and Instruction Files for Peak Deconvoluters

This peak deconvolution template was originally developed as part of the publication: N. De Alwis Watuthanthrige, J. A. Reeves, M. T. Dolan, S. Valloppilly, M. B. Zanjani, Z. Ye, D. Konkolewicz, ‘Wavelength Controlled Synthesis and Degradation of Thermoplastic Elastomers Based on Intrinsically Photoresponsive Phenylvinylketone’ Macromolecules 2020, 53, 5199–5207, DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00401 and K. M. Burridge, R. F. Parnell, M. M. Kearns, R. C. Page, and D. Konkolewicz, ‘Two-distinct polymer ubiquitin conjugates by photochemical grafting-from’ Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2021, 222, 2100091, DOI: 10.1002/macp.202100091.


If using this deconvolution template in your research resulting in publication, MACRO asks that you acknowledge the deconvolution template as follows. “We acknowledge the peak deconvolution template by The Konkolewicz Group provided by the Macromolecular Alliance for Community Resources and Outreach.”

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